Paint Halifax Pink Challenge: Day Two – Also! Birthday Party!

Ally: Ok, so I didn’t realize we were posting each day this week. So, I effed up yesterday”s post. I did wear pink on Monday. Here’s proof!

Ralph Lauren pink shirt. Good enough? scuse the hair.

Tuesday I wore a t-shirt from Winners, paired with white shorts and orange gladiators. Guest Blogger Mel took the photo prior to one of our meetings (I do some work with Guest Blogger Mel, she’s good times).

Sadly we only had time for one photo, which is why I look like a drunk soccer mom at 9am in the morning.

I’m really glad to be a part of the Paint Halifax Pink Challenge. My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer three days before my wedding in 2007. Since she’s basically the most selfless person I’ve ever met, she didn’t share the news with anyone in the family (besides my Dad) until three weeks after our nuptials. I remember the moment she told me very well, Roy Orbison was playing in the background, and she bravely told me what she was facing and how she planned to address it. Luckily, she had one of the best oncologists in Halifax, and her medical updates have been extremely positive since having the lumpectomy.

My grandmother also had breast cancer, she too successfully battled it only to pass away from a stroke not too many years later. This story is far too familiar amongst my friends, and the pain families suffer from this illness is unspeakable.

Wearing pink for a week isn’t really groundbreaking (nothing against the campaign at all), but it helps to remind me of what I have in my life and also works to remind me of how much more I could be doing.

In positive news! Our birthday party is tonight. I’m sure my Mom would love to come out and rock it, but she doesn’t have a DD to drive her back to Digby! Please join us at the Dress for Success Halifax office at 2016 Gottingen St.  (across from Staples) from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. I picked up the door prize from Biscuit today, and it does not disappoint.

I imagine our party will go down somewhat like this:

Or not. Maybe it will just be a bunch of hot women (and some seriously hot guys) drinking pinot grigio and chatting amongst themselves. Which frankly, is just as enjoyable.

L-A: I hope our party is like that. I want there to be chickens and sparkles with guest appearances by Hanson and Kenny G. Then again, with help from Yelp and the good folks at the following local businesses, it’s going to be kind of awesomesauce.

providing a really tasty treat. And the cash bar.

door prize from the fine folks at one of our favourite stores.

We’re also working on some other prizes and we’ll share some of the swag we’ve collected recently.  So we really really hope to see you there. And try to bring along some donations of clothing or cash for Dress for Success if you can. I was just out buying a few new things for work and even when you shop on a budget it can add up fast. That’s why this is such a swell organization – they’re helping women find work by helping them start that professional wardrobe. You can feel good about going out and getting your drink on on a Wednesday night by donating a pair of shoes you never wear (because I know you have at least one pair you don’t wear. Or, if you’re me, about ten…but don’t tell my husband that).

Now on to the pink. My pink today was pretty casual:

Please ignore my bangs – I’m desperate for a hair cut. And the Lacoste hoodie isn’t exactly office wear and didn’t really go with the pencil skirt I had on, but you know what? It’s totally pink. And it was perfect for running to the bus in the morning before it got warm (it’s really light weight) and was totally suitable for the trip to the mall (I know. I always talk about downtown, but I needed to go to Lush for my shampoo. I still prefer to shop local and downtown).

Also, and you can’t see it here: I was totally wearing bright pink eye shadow. Possibly for the first time since I was six and got into my mom’s 1980s makeup (the last time pink was a huge makeup trend). Oddly, the shadow looked as pink as my hoodie, but didn’t go on that bright. Thumbs up, Lancome! You surprised me with that one.

Now onto Anthony’s pink!

Anthony: Here they are in all their glory.

The pink cut off shirt, I realise, is NOT for everyone – especially the folks at the office – but wearing it underneath a button down shirt works and adds a nice pop of pink. It’s a particularly pale shade of pink… kind of like fresh out of the womb pink. But I loves me a sleeveless henley.

Oh, the shorts. I got these shorts through an exchange with a friend last summer. See, I don’t do open water but I needed board shorts for, of all places, Magic Mountain. Hoot. Anyway, super bold colour but when it’s sunny and you’re hitting a beach – all bets are off.

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