Party in the Kitchen – #LoveSobeys

As a Mom to a growing family (and as a newly-wed trying to make it on our own before that, and as a struggling university student before that…) I know how expensive groceries can be. Some of the times I have been blessed the most has been when a friend or family member has come forward with a small little grocery store gift card, just to help out. Groceries are rarely splurge items, but are always required. And it is tough to stay within a budget each week, especially if you eat healthy, fresh foods as often as possible.

That is why I am really excited to personally invite you to this Twitter party that I am co-hosting. Twitter parties are fun and help you find new people to follow and even give you a chance to win! I can’t wait to Tweet with you!

You’re Invited to the #LoveSobeys Twitter Party!

Join us on Twitter! Tell us how you love better food for a chance to win!

Party in the Kitchen – #LoveSobeys

It’s time to fall in love with better food.

Join the #LoveSobeys Twitter Party and share your great ideas for weeknight meals, quick kitchen shortcuts, entertaining tips and more.

Every tweet gives you a chance to win a Sobeys gift card.

Up to $1,000 in Sobeys gift cards are up for grabs.Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Time: 9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. ET (10:00 p.m. AT / 7:00 p.m. MT)

Where: On Twitter, using the hashtag: #LoveSobeys

Join party hosts:

How to Party!

It’s easy to join in—just sign in to Twitter at party time and find “#LoveSobeys”. Chime into the conversation with your thoughts and suggestions for better food ideas by simply adding “#LoveSobeys” to the end of every tweet. Each tweet gives you a chance to win a Sobeys gift card (up to $1,000 in Sobeys gift cards will be given out).  Make sure to R.S.V.P.!

If you have any questions about how to use Twitter, or how to join a Twitter party, ask in the comments below and I will be happy to help you!


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