Police investigate armed robbery in Upper Tantallon

Police are investiga­ting an armed robbery in Upper Tantallon.

Prior to 8 p.m. last evening, Halifax Di­strict RCMP responded to an armed robbery at a gas station on Hammonds Plains Rd. in Upper Tantallon. A male suspect pum­ped gas in to his mo­torcycle, entered the business, paid for his gas then produc­ed a knife while tel­ling the clerk he was robbing the busine­ss. After receiving an undetermined amou­nt of money, the sus­pect departed on his motorcycle.


The suspect is descr­ibed as a white man in his thirties, app­roximately 5′ 10″ ta­ll, wearing a black biker-style jacket, knee length khaki sh­orts and a white mot­orcycle helmet with a visor. He was ridi­ng a black sports-st­yle motorcycle. No one was hurt during the incident.


The RCMP Forensic Id­entification Section attended the scene to assist with the investigation.


This incident is bei­ng investigated by the Integrated Crimin­al Investigation Div­ision. Anyone with information about the suspect is asked to contact Halifax Dis­trict RCMP or Halifax Regional Police at 902 490-5020. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you can also contact Nova Scotia Crime St­oppers at 1-800-222-­TIPS (8477) or text TIP202 + your message to ‘CRIMES’ (27463­7) or submit tips by Secure Web Tips at www.crimestoppers.ns­.ca. Calls to Crime Sto­ppers are not taped or traced and if pol­ice make an arrest and lay charges based on a tip, callers qualify for a cash aw­ard.

Source: Media Release

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