Halifax District Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have charged three youths with Mischief and Hate Crimes in Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia.
On August 2, 2011, RCMP in Cole Harbour responded to complaints of graffiti in Eastern Passage. Suspects spray painted the side of a house, vandalized a post office box, and defaced HRM signs. Much of the graffiti contained racist, crude, and obscene content. Homeowners on Osbourne Drive, Longstaff Court, and Romkey Drive were targeted by some of the graffiti. Seaside Elementary and the Bob Hilchie Memorial Ballfield were also vandalized.
With the assistance of the Halifax District RCMP Street Enforcement Crime Unit, police conducted an investigation and have charged three youths under the Criminal Code, including several counts of Mischief (Sec. 430) and Public Incitement of Hatred (Sec. 319).
Two 17-year-old youths (males) from Eastern Passage will be appearing in Halifax Provincial Youth Court on November 10, 2011.
A 16-year-old youth from Netherlands has not been arrested but will face charges upon his return to Canada.
Graffiti is not a harmless crime. Graffiti and vandalism in our communities can create financial and social harm. People are encouraged to report these crimes. Police will investigate and lay charges when possible. If you see graffiti related activity or other suspicious behavior in your neighborhood, contact your local police department or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
Source: Release