Poop Happens

You’re probably grossed out by poop. Right? Or maybe not. Maybe you’re a parent, a caregiver, a pet owner, or a medical professional. Maybe poop is such a part of your daily life that you have to remind yourself not to talk about the consistency and colour of your child’s diaper. Maybe poop has lost its grossness because you deal with it every day – sometimes every few hours. Maybe you just learn to deal with it, because yes – poop happens.

As a Mom, I have some pretty hilarious poop stories. We all do, but most of us keep them to ourselves to protect the innocents (both our friends and our children.) For instance, there was this one time that both my kids decided to fill their diapers right before we were supposed to board a plane. Despite being stocked up, I ran out of wipes before the job was done and although we made it to the plane in time with two relatively clean bums, my hands did not come out of the ordeal so lucky. (Oh, the love of a Mama).

Unfortunately, when people think about cloth diapers, they immidiately think about the amount of poop they will have to touch.

It is a reasonable concern. Because yes, cloth diapering means you need to get a little more hands-on with the poop. It requires some rinsing and dumping for sure (but did you know that technically you’re supposed to dump before sending disposable diapers to the landfill too?). And the mere act of disassembling a soiled cloth diaper can make it difficult to keep fingers clean.

But is it really any different than the rest of parenthood?

Regardless of my diaper choice, I come into contact with poop. And snot. And barf. And any number of other bodily fluids. And no matter the type of diapers I choose, both hands and clothes need to be washed often. These days, cleaning a bum means I have to keep four limbs plus another entire child out of the mess while I try to clean it up. Sometimes I’m not sure why Moms haven’t evolved four additional hands. Motherhood is messy.

And I don’t even notice it anymore.

So yeah, you’re going to touch poop if you use cloth diapers.

But it isn’t all bad. Cloth diapers hold in blowouts way better than disposables. That was actually one of those hidden surprises that I encountered when I started cloth diapering. Poos that I knew would normal ruin clothes would actually all be contained in the cloth. It was pleasantly shocking.

So if you’re worried about the poop, don’t be. You’ll touch it whether you use cloth diapers or not. But you might just deal with fewer full blow-outs if you choose to go the cloth diaper route. And that is a definite blessing.

Poop happens.

But at least it all comes out in the wash.

(Remind me of this when I feel like I’m up to my eyeballs in it).

Poop Happens

The small print: I use Hipkiddo cloth diapers on Gavin. They’re an awesome cloth diaper choice if you’re looking for green, affordable diaper options. Be sure to Like Hipkiddo on Facebook and follow on Twitter to hear about chances to save and win. Hipkiddo provided cloth diapers for the purposes of this blog series but all opinions are my own.

Poop Happens

To Read More About My Cloth Diapering Experience, Check These Out:

Poop Happens

Let’s Start at the Beginning: How to Pre-Wash Cloth Diapers

Poop Happens

Fluffy Family

Poop Happens

New Fluff: Getting Started with Cloth Diapers


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MommysMiracle/~3/xZ9xIYlq2AQ/poop-happens.html

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