Work is happening across the province to improve the lives of older Nova Scotians.
From skill development, to active living, to making travel more accessible, government released an 18-month progress report on SHIFT: Nova Scotia’s Action Plan for an Aging Population today, Dec. 14.
The report highlights the work of government, community groups and other partners to change perceptions about the value and contributions older Nova Scotians make to our province.
“The plan addresses the demographic shift in Nova Scotia. Over a quarter of the population will be over the age of 65 by 2030,” said Minister of Seniors Leo Glavine. “It’s important to recognize and value the contributions older Nova Scotians have made and continue to make to our communities and our economy.”
The report details progress on more than 50 actions in the plan. They include programs and supports that keep older people involved and connected with their communities, stay physically active and support their social and economic contributions.
Some of the projects are:
- New Opportunities for Work, a program by the Centre of Employment Innovation to advance research on older workers in Nova Scotia
- Redefining Retirement, a program created by Acadia Entrepreneurship Centre for Business and Third Sector Enhancement to help participants find purpose, passion and opportunity as an older adult
- Let’s Get Moving, an action plan developed by government and partners to increase and improve physical activity, with a focus on opportunities
- a free service offered to all non-profit organizations to link volunteers and organizations
- Age Friendly Communities Grant program to provide funding for projects that lead to more age-friendly and inclusive communities
“The goals and priorities outlined in SHIFT reflect what was heard during consultation with people, working groups and the advisory committee,” said Bill Berryman, chair, Seniors Advisory Council of Nova Scotia. “Much has been accomplished and I look forward to continuing the work and making a difference in the lives of all Nova Scotians.”
The progress report can be found at .
Source: Release