Seven youth from the Prospect Road were selected to be part of the Olympic Torch Relay. The seven are part of the Active Halifax Torch Relay Team. Active Halifax was given the Torch Relay spots from SOGO Active, which was formerly Participaction.
Active Halifax then selected 20 youth from throughout HRM to be part of the team. The youth needed to be active and in some way connected to Active Halifax or HRM Recreation. The seven youth are Chris DeWolfe (Terence Bay), Justine Graham (Brookside), Josh Lowery (Hatchet Lake), Kristin Johanson-Slaunwhite (Terence Bay), Sarah MacLeod, (White’s Lake), Allison Jollimore, (Hatchet Lake) and Megan Fraser (East Dover). Not only did they carry the Olympic Torch on Friday November 20th but they also were part of the Olympic Torch Ceremony on Wednesday November 18th when the torch visited Halifax City Hall.
This ceremony was hosted by HRM and saw Mayor Peter Kelly present the youth with a medal in honour of their active lifestyle. Sidney Crosby attended the ceremony as a special guest.
The youth did not even mind waking up early on Friday to complete their section of the Torch Relay. The 7am start at Citadel Hill signaled the kick off the run for Friday as the torch left Halifax. Chris DeWolfe, perhaps the most excited of the group, even traveled back from Acadia University to be part of the torch relay. Chris had been eagerly waiting since finding out in early July that he would be a torchbearer. Congratulations to all!