On the First Day of Christmas Crime Prevention the RCMP said to me… “Lock your vehicle to keep those gifts safe for under the tree.”
With the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, it is easy to forget about vehicle safety. Keep in mind these simple tips to help keep your vehicle from being a target of crime. Remember, vehicle break-ins are a crime of opportunity. Take the steps to keep your Christmas treasure safe.
– Always lock all windows and doors
– Remove all valuables from your vehicle before exiting; this includes GPS systems, cell phones, MP3 players and any other electronic devices
– Park in well-lit locations and avoid isolated areas
– Never leave your vehicle running unattended
– Install an alarm system with a kill-switch
– Keep all gifts out of sight, and secure purchases in the trunk
– It is the vehicle owners responsibility to secure the vehicle
Source: http://www.bedfordbeacon.com/rev-up-vehicle-safety-over-the-holidays