Robert Keener comes to Halifax, Nova Scotia!

This September, as part of the World Culinary Tourism Summit, also known as One World One Table, Robert Keener, producer of Food Inc. will be coming to Halifax!
Keener’s film Food Inc. exposed the food industry in North America, and gave viewers a sneak peek as to what happens to our food before it makes it to the grocery store. Amongst the many reviews for the film’s merit, it was this tag line that gave me the heebee jeebees: “How much do we really know about the food we buy at our local supermarkets an feed to our families?Yikes! As a society, we really need to quit ignoring these questions and face the music – Food Inc. will make you do just that.
Don’t forget, Robert Keener will be in Halifax as part of the Culinary Tourism Thought Leadership World Summit on Monday, September 20th at the WTCC, and will present the Opening Addresss: ‘The Illusion of Choice’ from 10:00-11:00 am. Don’t forget to check the website’s Agenda as well to see what other events are running throughout the day!

Our Little Man – 9 Days Old

Accessories Monday: Let’s hear it for the boys…and their bowties.