September 22

Happy Autumn! First day of fall and we are going to have a day of high temps and sunshine! We always have wonderful Septembers here.

I was sent this via email and thought it was worthy of sharing. The world’s oldest still performing showgirl! How inspiring. Makes me want to get out there and move:)

Today is a day of errands and doing deliveries. Hopefully I’ll get some painting time in later. I’ve also got books to read. I order from the library and when the more popular ones arrive, they are a 7 day read and then the fines start. Often I’ll get a bunch of 7 day reads at the same time so I have to read, read, read, otherwise they go back and I wait months until they get round to me again. Oh well,….. self inflicted problem 🙂

Have a great day!

Blue CheeseCAKE

Gaming Central

Retro Gaming Night