
Shoe Porn Monday: Megs’ small, but mighty, collection

L-A: I know, it’s been forever since our last shoe porn. But you know how it goes: no shoes, no porn. My friend Megs had enough of the shoeless Mondays and submitted her shoes for you to ogle. After surveying her collection she realised she needs more pairs and  more colour in her closet. To that I say: Amen. (I say this because I always think I need new shoes).

I think it’s a pretty darn good collection. However, more shoes and more colour? Do it! And call  me to go shoe shopping with you. I will live vicariously through your purchases.

(Like PBS, our programming is only possible with the support of Viewers Like You. That means shoe porn only works if you take pictures of your shoes and send them to us).

Ally: I really need to check out our flickr account and find my friend Amanda’s collection. It’s hidden there somewhere and I haven’t had the time to search. Who knew running your own small operation could be so time consuming? Bill Gates never told me it was this tough. Why, Bill? Why did you keep this from me?

It’s a tired Ally tonight. We celebrated Baby G’s first birthday on Saturday and I spent today hunkered over my computer catching up on work. I’m exhausted. However, Megs Rocket Dogs cheered me up. Beauties. I also like her use of the lower heel. My feet would appreciate the same respect.

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