Staff Picks: Graphic Memoirs

I’ve been spending a lot of time in the graphic novels section of my branch lately. Of the books I’ve read recently, two stand out: Stitches by David Small (2008) & Nikolai Maslov’s (2006) Siberia.

In delicate pencil drawings, Maslov describes what it was like to grow up in this beautiful but brutal corner of the U.S.S.R. Born to a culture whose hollow socialist ideals stand at odds with the harsh material reality, I was deeply affected by Maslov’s insistent drive to give his life hope and meaning. That his story was published at all is, in itself, remarkable. Emmanuel Carrère writes in the “Afterword” to Siberia that,

“It was absolutely necessary for him to say, “Here it is, this was my life, and so what if it was a sad life, now that I have given it form, no one can take it away from me.” And now no one can, his life belongs to him. It is a modest step out of the ordinary path of fate and a discrete triumph. Also an act of resistance against everything that works to crush the spirit “(87-98).

I’m happy to cheer on anyone who has the courage to show resistance in the face of the despair Maslov has experienced.

In Stitches, David Small’s own traumatic history is eerily brought to life. Being a new mom and preternaturally hypersensitive about protecting kids, there were times when I wasn’t sure that I would be able to get through this book. By the end, however, I was moved by Small’s younger self and his courageous rejection of the culture of repression enforced in his troubled family. Small draws each disturbing chapter from his bleak childhood with fine, expressive lines and bold grey washes. His depiction of his mother – her face permanently pinched in an expression of barely suppressed rage – is particularly striking.

Although the subject matter of graphic memoirs can be challenging to read, where beautifully rendered drawings combine with an inspirational spirit, the effort is richly rewarded.

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