The Big Summer Bucket List

Happy Summer! School is over and the signs of summer are finally here. Here’s a handy list to help you create your very own summer “bucket list”. Learn something new, explore the city or just have fun in your own backyard –  there’s something for everyone on this list and we dare your family to try and do as many of them as you can over the summer.

  Ready, set GO!

1. Go on the Harbour Hopper

2. Have a picnic

3. Make homemade popsicles

4. Run through the sprinkler with your kids

5. Leave a nice message or drawing in chalk on your neighbour’s driveway

6. Play hide-and-seek in the dark with flashlights

7. Go for a family bike ride at your local park

8. Face paint…at home!

9. Watch at least 3 Buskers

10. Sleep in a tent in your backyard or living room

11. Have your own outdoor concert

12. Visit one of the forts in the city then make your own fort at home

13. Give blood (for those who are old enough, of course)

14. Fly a kite

15. Make your own family summer video  

16. Go to an Al Fresco movie

17. Wash the car by hand with the family

18. Catch at least 4 different kinds of bugs

19. Lay on a blanket in the yard and watch the fluffy clouds go by

20. Play charades in the backyard

21. Go for a walk and take pictures of different signs/words to make a sentence

22. Let the kids bury you in the sand

23. Make a summer reading list for each family member – with prizes for those who finish their list

24. Watch the sunset with the whole family

25. Visit Gus at the Museum of Natural History

26. Go to a farmers market

27. Measure the kids now and at the end of summer to see how much they grew

28. Set up a lemonade stand

29. Roast marshmallows

30. Donate toys and clothes you no longer use

31.  Make homemade ice cream

32. Go to the Jazz Festival

33. Go paddling

34. Go to the beach and skip stones in the water

35. Visit a Farm in Nova Scotia

36. Go for a walk on the waterfront

37.  Visit 3 different playgrounds in the same day

38.  Pick blueberries in the Valley

39.  Play hopscotch

40.  Take time to smell the roses – or other flowers in your garden

2013 Patriot Days – #Sackville Events For Thurday, June 27 + Link

NOTD: LA Girl Sandy Beach