Things that go Pop – it’s Halifax Pop Explosion time

HPX is the Halifax Pop Explosion, an international music festival and conference that presents 150 bands in 18 venues over 5-days to over 17,000 fans and industry delegates from around the world. And we at This Needs to Stop are thrilled to be taking in as many shows as possible during this year’s festival. We will be posting all week on the shows...

Things that go Pop – it’s Halifax Pop Explosion time

HPX is the Halifax Pop Explosion, an international music festival and conference that presents 150 bands in 18 venues over 5-days to over 17,000 fans and industry delegates from around the world. And we at This Needs to Stop are thrilled to be taking in as many shows as possible during this year’s festival. We will be posting all week on the shows we are attending and keeping everyone looped in on all the great talent that will be here in Halifax.

Here are a few HPX tips to help fans make the most of this week –

HPX iPhone App – Download it , because  it’s free and it lets you share your HPX festival pics directly, tweet to HPX and send the link to your friends so they can join the fun with you. You can find it here

Follow them on Twitter – @halifaxpopx

Picking up your pass/wristband – You’ve got your pass purchased now where to pick it up?  Come to the festival HQ at the Citadel Halifax Hotel to pick up your pass/wristband from Oct 18-22 11am – 8pm.  The Citadel Halifax Hotel is located at 1960 Brunswick Street and is our official host hotel.

Capacity and getting into the venues –   Some advice from a pro: Come out early and you’ll get more from the experience, show up late for the party and risk being left out.


Apple Raisin Cinnamon Cookies

Apple Raisin Cinnamon Cookies

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