Thinking of celebrating with a light show, Halifax, N.S.

Police encourage people to understand the rules around fireworks. Canada Day celebrations are underway and the sun is shining bright, residents across Halifax are enjoying the weather and may celebrate the summer and holidays with a bang-literally.

Police encourage people to understand the rules around fireworks.

Canada Day celebrations are underway and the sun is shining bright, residents across Halifax are enjoying the weather and may celebrate the summer and holidays with a bang-literally.

People may want to display and use fireworks .

HRM Partners in Policing are taking this opportunity to remind citizens that if you are planning on using fireworks that you think of potential noise and safety risks to you and your neighbours.

‘It’s about being a good neighbour,’ says Cpl. Scott MacRae, Halifax District RCMP. ‘If you are planning on using fireworks, check with your neighbours, let them know the date and time when you are planning to use them so any potential concerns can be addressed ahead of time. We encourage that you read and understand the rules and regulations around fireworks.’

Pursuant to the Noise By-law, fireworks cannot be detonated at any time if they can be heard within a residential area. However, it is a violation only if the activity disturbs a residential area. Violators can only be prosecuted if the citizen filing the complaint is willing to give a statement and agree to testify in court.

During the summer months, it is important that you are aware of environmental conditions as there may be burn-bans making it dangerous to use fireworks due to higher than average fire risks.

For more information on the by-laws or the handling, preparing or setting off fireworks, please visit the following website at

Source: Release

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