Through The Looking Glass: Erin Fetherston in Wonderland

L-A:Augh! I was just getting my stride going on this post and I somehow closed the tab in my browser and all was lost! I need to save more. (hmmm…that almost sounds like a bad, dirty-ish pickup line. Hey baby, let me close the tab in your browser… Okay right. no more national cocktails of Brazil before blogging. It was just one. I swear).

Anyway…Happy Thursday! Or, as my mom has said: Sure Happy It’s Thursday! (Like TGIF, but with a far less polite acronym).  I was trolling through the internets in search of inspiration for today’s post when I came across this video on Style Observer:

And boom! Today’s post is about the adorableness and whimsy that is Erin Fetherston’s designs. While she sometimes borders on the side of too precious, her label is only a few years old, so it’s coming into it’s own. Besides, I kind of like the preciousness of it. I like the description from Paper magazine that it  “call[s] to mind little girls at a garden tea party and rare birds in flight.” Even if it isn’t something I could wear (I think I’m maybe about ten years too old for some of her designs), I do like the idea of wearing one of her dresses to a tea party.  Her latest collection for Fall 09 is less garden tea party and a little bit more mad hatter tea party (do you see where I’m going with the title of the post yet?):

03m 05m 08m

Somewhere between the jewel tones, the curious chapeaux, the striped tights, and the maryjane-ish shoes I started thinking Alice in Wonderland. Not sure what it is about striped tights that make me think Alice, seeing as my knowledge of Alice is limited to the Disney cartoon (sorry to the Alice fans out there, I really should read the books). But despite that, just take a look at Alice here and then at some more of Fetherston’s designs:

wonderland tenniel_alice_engraving

So that’s classic Alice, now for the guest at your next unbirthday party:

20m 24m 29m

(all runway shots all from

You see it too, don’t you?  I’m not completely crazy, am I? I think she could have easily teamed up with Tim Burton to create some of the costumes for the new Alice:


I was going to show you the trailer for the movie, to give you a better idea of how Burton decided to outfit Alice, but alas! Disney won’t let me embed the video (I am never impressed when GiantMegaCorporations won’t let me share video with you. I’m trying to promote, not pirate!).

Speaking of Alice and fashion, I also came across this  Vogue spread from 2003as I flitted about the internets. I totally remembered it as it really is one of the most fantastic Vogue spreads I’ve ever seen:


It’s one of those times when you really don’t mind Annie Leibovitz’s over the topness, because it really shows some of her genius. Like, check out Tom Ford and His Karlness in Wonderland:



Pretty frigging fantastic, non? I want to tear them out of the magazine and frame them. Also, model Natalia Vodianova has some of the best facial expressions in the shoot. She kicks the asses of Top Model Wannabes.


Oh Lacroix! I still love you! Even if the recession is a bitch.

Okay, now over to Ally. Although, I think now is a good time to mention that with the very near due date of BabyG, Ally could disappear from the blog any day now. Because when the OMG she’s in labour moment does come, I’m not expecting her to call and check in with the blog.



AllyG: I’m still here! Woot! Although I’ve had a couple false alarms over the last couple of days, I’m still sauntering around Bedford. You’ll be pleased to know, L-A, that Jeff has been instructed to call you when BabyG is on his/her way. THE BLOG MUST GO ON.

I’m so glad you are talking about Erin Fetherston. You know who else is talking about Erin Fetherston?


Yah huh. It’s like six degress of Lohan up in this joint. You’ll love to know that this is her twitter background. Yes. That’s correct. “Lindsay in Wonderland”. Le Barf. Did you know that Lilo begged to be a part of Tim Burton’s production? This is what US mag tells me, therefore, it must be true.


Sigh. Anytheways, could Erin be any more adorable? This video from NylonTV (I love these videos if you couldn’t tell) has her describing her inspiration for what I believe was her F08 line. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I love when she says, “Please let this be as good as it is in my head”. Who hasn’t said that?

Also, L-A? Can we both have bangs? Cause like, you could totally do the Anna Wintour and perhaps I could use Erin’s awesome hair as my inspiration? We’d look like super dorks wouldn’t we?

Do you know what I love BESTEST? The TUTU DRESSES!!! Some are featured in this video of her F09 line, Erin actually walks out in one in the end!

This dress in particular steals my heart…


This is the dress I would marry Leonardo Dicaprio in… This dress is really pretty. I like it a lot.

Also, striped stockings? Does this pass the OVER 30 test?

striped stockings

And another reason to be jealous of our neighbours, Erin Fetherston also designed for Target. To me, these dresses look more Gossip Girl than Anna Sui’s Gossip Girl line for Target. Non?


I have also seen numerous images of Zooey Deschanel wearing Fetherston frocks. My favourite pic comes from a Lula Magazine (does anyone know anything about this Lula magazine? I think I would enjoy it…)shoot from 2007. I would knock out Zooey for this dress. It’s mind blowing.


Completely off topic, but has anyone else noticed how awesome Kate Gosselin is looking lately? Non? Well, let me tell you, lady got herself a superb stylist. Even the front mullet has been tamed.

*Aug 26 - 00:05*

I love this answer. You know someone practiced the calculated pause with her. Golf claps, Kate, golf claps.

L-A: Bangs! Yes! We are booking hair appointments tout de suite!

Namedropper Fiction

Photo credit: Suzie Ridler

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