From RCMP:
Friday, April 23, 2010 Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM), N.S…. Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Halifax District are investigating two separate complaints of vandalism where vehicles had their windshields chipped last evening in the Eastern Passage.
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At 9:15 P.M. RCMP responded to Main Road and Howard Ave where a driver stated someone had just thrown a rock or shot a pellet and chipped her windshield as she was driving. At 11:05 P.M., RCMP received another complaint where a vehicle had its windshield chip by what the driver believed to be a pellet at the corner of Cow Bay Road and Shore Road.
If you have information regarding these acts of vandalism, you can contact any RCMP office, Halifax Regional Police, or Crime Stoppers anonymously anytime at 1-800-222-TIPS(8477) or by their Secure Web Tips at Calls to Crime Stoppers are not taped or traced and if police make an arrest and lay charges based on a tip, callers qualify for a cash award from $50 – $2000.