As 2012 ended I was looking forward to 2013 with gusto: I had my 3 guiding words and it truly was going to be a year of doing better, being brave and embracing some long wanted dreams and goals, but then January 2nd hit and to be honest I had the wind knocked out of my sails.
When I lost my job I was in shock.I thought I had a great job and I had been so busy building a community that actually brought sales into the print shop that I thought my job was secure. I was wrong. There was no security when cuts had to be made.
At first I thought this will be a breeze I will find a job quickly after all I did just that last year, finding a job in a mere 6 days. But here it is two weeks later and not even a nibble. Not even a single response to any of of the resumes and cover letters I have sent out. It would be so very easy to get discouraged, to wonder about my abilities.
I know I have the skills to do the job I want but to get the foot in the door seems to be my issue right now, so I am trying to figure out how to stand out from the crowd. How do I let my personal brand help me secure the right job fit for me?
I have to change things up.
I have to be brave and try new ways of job hunting, to reach out more, to pound the pavement, to knock on doors and to ask.
My ideal job would have me working in a social capacity for a brand, taking care of their online properties. Last year I helped launch a book, helped a large telecommunications company revamp their social profiles including helping to train corporate officers in the use of social media, and helped on several other brand accounts as well. I even tracked all of the metrics for all of our work for months. I know I have the skills, it is truly about the foot in the door so I can prove myself.
So there will be more door knocking, more tweaking the resume and cover letter each and every time I apply for a job, and in the meantime I will be working hard here at Common Cents Mom making this a better blog, in which I can showcase my abilities.So expect more posts. More contests, more fun.
Now if you know of someone who is hiring, and you refer me and I get the job, well you get dinner on me.