March is Fraud Prevention Month, and to spread fraud awareness and knowledge across Atlantic Canada, we have joined with the Better Business Bureau of the Maritimes, New Brunswick Securities Commission and the Bank of Canada (Atlantic Region) to host an online fraud prevention trivia contest. From March 2 to March 29 we’re giving away great prizes including gift cards for local restaurants, Chapters and iTunes, and commemorative editions of Canadian currency! Learn how to play (link to simple rules) Official contest rules Monday, 28 March 2011 Today’s Trivia question is brought to you by the New Brunswick Securities Commission. Answer the question below for your chance to win a $50 gift-certificate for local restaurants. Draw takes place Wednesday, 30 March 2011. QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is affinity fraud? Click here to visit the NBSC page on affinity fraud to find the answer, and visit to provide your answer. Related posts:Win a $50 Lawton’s gift card – New fraud Prevention Month trivia question March is Fraud Prevention Month, and to spread fraud awareness and…New Fraud Prevention Month trivia question – win a $50 iTunes card March is Fraud Prevention Month, and to spread fraud awareness and…New trivia question – Fraud Prevention Month contest March is Fraud Prevention Month, and to spread fraud awareness and…Another new Fraud Prevention Month trivia question March is Fraud Prevention Month, and to spread fraud awareness and…New trivia question – Fraud Prevention Month Contest March is Fraud Prevention Month, and to spread fraud awareness and…Share & Bookmark This Story! Bookmark on Delicious StumbleUpon Google Bookmarks Tip’d