What a loaded question! With that type of a headline I could be asking you to fight… or asking you take you turn at something.
In this case, I’m not looking for a fight, I want you to think about trying Cottonelle’s new bum wipes.
Yup, that’s right. Bum wipes.
We all wipe, after all (But if you’re a mom, you might dispute that comment. We all have our horror stories!)
I think these wipes could possibly save some marriages. I once wrote a blog post about how toilet paper was ruining my marriage. True story. You know what I mean… the constant fight over replacing the roll.
Now, I have no problem replacing the roll, if I didn’t have to do it EVERY SECOND TIME THAT I PEE. My husband needs to stop buying crappy (excuse the pun) toilet paper.
You know the kind. One ply, runs out after two revolutions… Replacing the roll shouldn’t become a full-time job, running between our three bathrooms to see which is low or which is long since used.
That’s why I think Cottonelle’s new bum wipes are perfect.
Check out this video that takes a light-hearted approach to telling people how to use the new wipes.
AND this Cottonelle Care Routine will help you save toilet paper, feel better AND could save your marriage.