Ally: Two can play this game, mind you my TV shows aren’t typically of the PBS variety. Lately I’ve been in a monogamous relationship with House of Lies, a show I slowly came to be obsessed with.
The show focuses on the world of Management Consulting (not sure how accurate it is, as I consult more in the communications field and generally don’t end up roofing clients you’d rather not bed (not condoning!)), and has characters that appear to be based on the Real Life of Charlie Sheen. My favourite has to be Jeannie van der Hooven (played by the lovely Kristen Bell), a driven, self-absorbed, insecure gorgeous blonde lady. Think Serena van der Woodsen with more brains/less boobs and better communication skills.
I can relate to Kiki here, I too have an issue of being unable to hide my facial expressions within the workplace. Many a time I’ve been caught making the “WTF, son?” face during a presentation when a colleague shows up all kinds of unprepared and emits bullshit from their face. Bullshit is an art, friends. Respect.
This is a fashion blog, so as such, we shall talk the Fashion of Jeannie. It’s an alter at which I worship. A wardrobe I would be down with if I had a disposable income that I believe comes with a last name starting with “van der”.
It’s always a good idea to show a little cleave when trying to recruit Harvard Business School grads to your firm. Paired with a stiff drink, you’re showing the kids that Management Consulting is still a little Mad Men with an updated Hollywood Starlet edge.
Here at FPQT, we often raise our glasses when presented with A+ travel attire.

On their way to the airport bar. These peeps always know where the airport bar is located. Impressive.
Jeannie understands that throwing a blazer over whatever will always class up your travel basics.
And I don’t know where this laptop bag came from, but I fear it would not fit my 17″ computer. Lesson here folks, the ole saying, “Go big or go home” does not apply to laptops when you are a freelance consultant. Basically when you go big you just want to stay the fuck home. Don’t talk to me about having to run up to Barrington St. from Lower Water St. to catch the Loser Cruiser to Suburbville having to carry my big ass pink Starship Enterprise laptop.
Don’t get me started on Roscoe, the most adorable little kid ever. His fashion stylings should educate us all.
Jeannie’s also mastered the skinny jeans/ankle boots/heavy winter coat pairing – which means she’s my hero.
Perfect day look before you turn into a whore and have sexy time with folksy musicians you just met in a coffee shop. Not judging!
Editors note: The following scene is not safe for work, not because it contains scenes of sexuality (it does), but because it contains offensive use of hipster type males that only L-A could love.
What really impresses me is Jeannie’s ability to play both the good girl and the lady who can pound the tequila when the need arises. It’s this type of client relations that will land you the big accounts. Ask L-A, she’s been known to GIF the hell out of the below image at many a client meetings. Totes kidding!
“And that’s when I started writing the shit out of Downton Abbey fashions. DRINK!”
– L-A summarizing the blog during a sit-down dinner
Bonus points given to the silk shirt subtly unbuttoned just so. Klassy Kakes.
So there you have it. Your random style icon for this Wednesday. Please don’t give me any season spoilers in the comment section. I’m just at the part where Jeannie learns that one of the best ways to keep your job is to engage in sexual relations with one of the firm’s partners. Or so they teach us in PR Skool. No! I’m just telling the jokes!
L-A: Usually, we leave the other to defend their random style icons. Partly because we never watch the same shows (Nothing against Californication or Dexter, but I can’t get on board when I’ve got my period dramz). But I’ve got to weigh in with my approval of Ally’s style icon, because now we’re talking about Veronica Mars all growed up (and a style icon for another day).
As an expert on Veronica Mars (no really, I am. I wrote most of an MA thesis on her and her negotiation of identity and girlhood. Clearly I am a hoot over drinks with subjects like that up my sleeve), I’m pro-whatever Kristen Bell is doing (except When in Rome. That should never have happened). And that pro-KB extends to Jeannie (I’ve seen two episodes and I’ll classify myself as a casual fan) and just about whatever Jeannie wears. Like this outfit on a tour of a factory.
Of course she wears a billowy, cream coloured blouse.
The other reason for my absolute approval of House of Lies as a style muse? Two words: Jean. Ralphio.
Oh sure, Ben Schwartz can play other charaters, but he will forever hold a Jean Ralphio sized piece of my heart. And since Ally has been giving you tips on how to be a consultant/communications pro today, I thought I’d follow up with some Jean Ralphio tips on how to give a speech.
That’s pretty much everything they taught us in PR Skool speech class. You’re welcome.
And even though Ally already has all the likes for Jeannie van der Hooven, I’m going to seal the deal with this: bitch kills it at karaoke (even if she is wearing a camoflauge denim skirt).
I’m pretty sure she’s Ally’s hero now.