zaatar and art

Oh my, heaven in my hand. I went to the Lebanese festival this weekend expressly to have some of this!! It is the only time of year it is available around here but I could be wrong. I must investigate:)

It is called mankoushe and is a hot flatbread spread with zaatar, sesame seeds, tomatoes, fresh mint, olives, and smeared with labneh. ( yoghurt like cheese)

Evidently it is a common breakfast in Lebanon. Yum, I could easily have this every day!
After our tasty treat we popped over to Argyle Fine Art where my friend Mark Brennan is having a show of his wilderness paintings. This is the gallery before it filled with people.

The show is titled Re Earthing and is wonderful. I know I have said this before, but I think Mark is one of the most talented landscape painters out there.

He distills the wilderness into colour, filling his work with the intensity and breath of nature. It is full of life. These pics don’t do the paintings justice. If you are drawn to his work I suggest you purchase soon. He is now painting much larger works. You can follow him on facebook

Here he is with his pretty wife, Lucy:)

If you like to write letters, this might be for you:)
Want some fun with your photography, need a bit of inspiration?

The Start Of Our Garden

Monday Shoe Porn: From the Hot Girl Next Door