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Our new ferry is currently under construction, and the call is out for citizens to vote on a name for it.
I’m excited to see some real diversity in the choices this time round, and I’m lobbying for my suggestion of Maxine Tynes. (But I think I’d be equally as happy with Raymond Taavel or Ruth Goldbloom.)
While I applaud Halifax Transit for including the public in the naming, I’m wondering if we’re being left out of a more important process: the design of the new ferry.
Halifax Transit has the opportunity to get feedback from the public on what is right, and wrong, with the design of The Christopher Stannix, last year’s addition to the fleet, but so far, no one has asked.
Many people have chimed in on social media that the seats on The Stannix are incredibly uncomfortable, and cyclists have expressed that more bike racks are needed.
And from an accessibility standpoint, the boat gets a big thumbs down. (Check out this blog post: New Halifax Ferry Is Terrible.)
Halifax Transit has the opportunity to make improvements this time round. Wouldn’t it be great if they asked us what we need?
About Kate Watson