Two men caught robbing North End home, charges pending

From HRPD: A resident in the 6200 block of Almon Street called at 1:45 p.m. to report two males exiting the rear of a nearby home. She believed they had just broken into the residence.

From HRPD:
A resident in the 6200 block of Almon Street called at 1:45 p.m. to report two males exiting the rear of a nearby home. She believed they had just broken into the residence.

Responding members discovered the home as well as the one next door had in fact been broken into. A description of the suspects was obtained from the witness and two men were taken into custody by beat officers a short time later in the 2100 block of Gottingen Street. As a result of subsequent investigation, both men, ages 50 and 53, face two counts of break and enter. The 53-year-old is scheduled to appear in court at a later date while the 50-year-old, who was also in Breach of his Probation, will appear tomorrow.

Food Fight, Quinoa Salad
