Call me a geek if you like, but I always get a kick out of seeing who I share a page with, be it in newspapers, magazines, or film festival guides. Well today’s review of LOGAN AND I brings the novel experience of sharing a page with Paul Rudd and Reese Witherspoon… I’m on their heels.

Enough of my self-centered tendencies (he says as he writes his blog), today’s Chronicle Herald featured a review of LOGAN AND I by Elissa Barnard. Read below for an excerpt from “An honest look at male sexuality and friendship“…

McPhee is charming, chatty and totally emphatic as Dezzy. Logan as a cold, unlikable character is the more difficult role and Glen Matthews nails it. He makes Logan very realistic, vulnerable even, as he is mean and manipulative.

There are no easy answers at the end of Logan and I. How you react to the play will depend on your gender and sexuality.

As a woman, I find the boys’ talk about women distasteful but I recognize it as realistic.

As a human being, regardless of gender, I recognize the complexities in intense friendship as true.

The way McPhee starts with the innocence of playing imaginary battles with Transformers and carries the metaphor throughout the play is quite brilliant.

Read the entire article over @ http://thechronicleherald.ca/ArtsLife/1217612.html

Another review, beautifully written by Daniel MacKay of GayHalifax explains perfectly why this is such a rewarding story to tell…

The play was flawlessly presented. For me it was like running a finger over an old scar, and keenly remembering the pain, and exactly how you got the wound.

The full review is available @ http://gay.hfxns.org/Logan_And_I

That’s all for now, there’s still three more chances for you to catch LOGAN AND I at the Bus Stop Theatre! Tonight at 8pm, tomorrow (Pay-What-You-Can performance) at 2pm, and our final show at 8pm Saturday night. Email  thedopplereffect.ns@gmail.com to reserve tickets. Here’s the link to the Facebook event page:  http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=170302712992783


The Big Bang Theory: The injustice!

Highway 102 is reopened