Shortcut Recipes: Creamless Creamy Carrot Soup

This blended soup is very filling, and jam packed with vitamins and nutrients making it perfect for transitioning into Spring when colds and allergies are high! This recipe makes a ton of soup and so it's leftovers are great to take for lunch! 

After eating the soup for lunch for a few days I froze the remainder in several small yogurt containers. I plan on taking them to work with me over the next week or so, or using them when I need a quick dinner before heading out somewhere. Do not heat up your soup in the plastic yogurt container, as they are not microwave save! I always bring/use a glass bowl, and simply pour the contents from the plastic container into it before heating it up in the microwave!

I changed and omitted so much of the original recipe I found that there isn't much sense in sourcing it. Basically the only thing I took from the recipe was to add carrots, onions, sugar and salt, everything else I decided to wing it on my own. The recipe originally called for milk, flour, and butter which I decided to omit all of those ingredients in lieu of making a mostly vegan soup (all except the sugar). If you are strict vegan you can use maple syrup instead of sugar and I'm sure it would work just fine in this recipe.


4 cups peeled, and sliced carrots
1 large yellow onion, peeled and chopped
1 medium sweet potato
1/2 cup of butter OR 4 TBS olive oil 
1 tsp brown sugar (omit if actually vegan)
1/2 tsp salt 
2 cups water (to cook vegetables)

4 1/2 cups additional water (or more to thin out soup)
Fresh cracked pepper to taste
pinch of cayenne pepper
1/2 tablespoon paprika
1/2 tablespoon of garlic
1/2 tablespoon of onion powder
1/4 cup of white wine

Garnish with parsley


Heat oil in a large pot, and add onions and carrots stir for a few minutes until the onions are slightly translucent. Add sugar and salt, the sweet potato and water. Cover the soup and allow to simmer until veggies are just tender. 

Set the pot aside and allow to cool slightly before putting into your blender. Add about 1 1/2 cups of water to contents before blending to help encourage the process. Trust me you want to wait a bit here you do not want to put really hot contents into your blender, as you will blow the top directly off and your kitchen will be completely covered in orange sludge!  If you are lucky enough to have an immersion blender you can simply use that here instead of using a traditional blender. Whether you are using a stand up blender or hand immersion blender do not forget to add some water here (about 1 1/2 cups should do).

Once the contents are completely blended pour them back into the pot. Add spices and wine to combine. Continue to cook over medium heat while slowly adding water as necessary. I added a substantial amount of water as I did not want to add milk, and it did not affect the taste and/or texture. In fact I believe the sweet potato allowed the soup to have a rather creamy texture despite the lack of cream, milk or butter. 

Continue to the simmer soup over low heat until you have come to your desired consistency and you are ready to serve. I topped my soup with parsley, but you could top it with anything from whole wheat crackers to crunchy croutons! A nice piece of crusty bread would also do the trick!

Happy Tuesday!
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