Dear readersOn being good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, likeable

Daily Affirmations by Stuart Smalley

Daily Affirmations by Stuart Smalley

Since starting this blog on New Year’s day of this year, more people are coming out of the woodwork to leave comments here or through other social media channels. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all. I’ve been having lots of fun and I hope you have also. It’s even been my pleasure to meet some of you in real life and have you guest post or simply discuss thoughts here.

That brings me to the point of this post. Taking a cue from the hilarious ladies at Fashionable People, Questionable Things, I’m putting a call out to you, gentle reader, to let me know what you want to see more of here.

Or less of.

What am I writing about that you want more of? What bores you? What am I not writing about that you’d like me to discuss? How often do you really want to see me in your feed reader?

Here are some things to think about (feel free to consider other topics):

  • Social media and Twitter
  • Cokebaby
  • Food
  • Books
  • Travel (even locally)
  • What about Tofu (He appears on the dog blog but I’m always looking for inspiration for what to write about.)

Don’t worry, based on the reviews East Coast Guest Posts will continue, but who or what topic do you want to hear about that pertains to East Coast living?

I’ll be talking to Haligonia about expanding my presence there, likely through discussions with East Coast guests and in video format. But I’m open to what you want to see.

Send me your wish lists. As much as I’m writing this blog to exercise my writing muscles and build pride of place, it’s about you and your East Coast. For those of you reading from across Canada—I know you’re out there because of Google Analytics—what do you want to see more of? Are you ex-pats or are you living vicariously through my transplanted Torontian self? Or maybe you’re just related to me. In which case: hi, sis!

Leave a comment below, e-mail me at kimberly.aliasgrace [at] gmail [dot] com, or DM me on Twitter. The lines are open.


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