Favourite Friday – June 24 Edition: FPQT Turns Two!

Ally: Happy Friday! Obviously this week we’re promoting our upcoming 2nd Birthday bash! Here are the dets:

When: June 29, 2011 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Where: Dress for Success Halifax, 2016 Gottigen Street

What: Snacks (limited as we’re a non-profit blog) and cash bar provided by Scanway Catering

Local Oprah aka Ben, is working with Yelp to help us promote our special day!

We really hope you can make it. Last year’s party was so much awesome, and it was great to meet the readers who enjoy our trite musings.

I’m a Board Member for Dress for Success Halifax, an incredible organization. I’m thrilled that they have offered us their space to host our party. In exchange, I’d love to be able to help them raise some funds to support the office renovation project. Alternatively, if you have a pair of killer shoes you’re willing to part with, we’d love to have those for the fall Kick it Up event.

Another way you can support Dress for Success is in helping us build our social media profile. Like us on Facebook or Follow Us on Twitter.

The evening is basically a great way for all of us to get together, talk about how Ryan Reynolds is hotter than Ryan Gosling and muse about Lindsay Lohan’s latest court appearance. Such as, why was her blouse not sized right?


Fine, this photo doesn’t do my point justice, but her top button was a’bustin. Not Klassy.

We hope you can join us, as I’ve been up since 4:30am, I’m going to wrap up my portion of the post with a little song from my New Embarrassing Pretend Boyfriend:

L-A claims her “Internet broke” meaning she is unable to post. I interpret this as “She is unable to stop swooning from the Marshall Mathers swagger”. Holla at your girl, I feel that.

Source: http://fashionablethings.com/2011/06/24/favourite-friday-june-24-edition-fpqt-turns-two/

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