Guess what I have…….

A calendar!!!!
Click on the picture or the link to see a slide show preview of all the months.
It is 8.5 x 11 / x215 mm on regular calendar paper. Not sure what that means but we shall see.
I have put American, Canadian and British holidays on it as well as religious holidays and the full/new moon cycles.

I will be receiving them around December 4th so your orders will be sent off the minute I get them. If you want it sent directly as a gift to somebody, I can do that too. Let me know if you would like it personalized 🙂 I’ve only ordered a few to start but if they go quickly I will order some more this week in order to get them in time for the holidays.

They are $20US each plus shipping. I have made up a paypal button. Click on the right arrow to find the cost according to where you live. If you would rather send a money order, please contact me.

Calendar cost with with shipping

H1N1, las vegas style

The new digs!