Shameless Self Promotion! Jill’s Travels, A to Z.

Guess what? Sometimes, I do things other than watch television. I even go places!

My friend and fellow blogger Krista was kind enough to let me reminisce about some of my travels over on her blog, Bite Sized Travel. Go check it out! As most of my travel memories come from a month-long stay in Cape Town, South Africa a few years ago, you get to see photos of me jumping off a bridge and touching wild animals.

Here’s a bonus photo:

Shameless Self Promotion! Jill’s Travels, A to Z.

Jill in Cape Town, circa August 2007. I tried to take the baby elephant home, but customs was a real bitch.

Shameless Self Promotion! Jill’s Travels, A to Z. Shameless Self Promotion! Jill’s Travels, A to Z. Shameless Self Promotion! Jill’s Travels, A to Z.


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