It’s incredible how vital facebook is in our lives {and no doubt in yours as well!}. For us, since being away from friends and family for so long, facebook has become a lifeline for sharing pictures, little blips from our day and for keeping connected.
It’s also a place of support and friendship. Years ago I never would have imagined there would be “support” groups on facbeook. Instead of turning to google in search of online forums for dealing with infertility, postpartum depression or colicky babies, now all you have to do is search facebook and you’ll find some of the most informative, fast paced and mama- friendly pages around! “Communities” even!
Baby and You is just that – with almost 14,000 fans of the page there are always other moms eager to chime in about what worked for their little ones, what products they love or even just random chit chat about the day to day life as a mom. Baby and You is a family friendly page made by moms and dads with babies of all ages. It’s brought to us by Loblaw so intertwined with the helpful mom conversations are deals on groceries, Joe Fresh clothing, and coupons.
Baby and You also features mom bloggers and right now the spotlight is on Canadian Mom bloggers, Mommy Moment dedicated to all things Mom and Lisa from Growing Your Baby, focusing on all things baby. If you haven’t checked out their blogs yet, drop by!
Disclosure – I am participating in the Baby and You program by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Loblaw Companies. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own.
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