value village score

Wanted to show you my latest score from Value Village. As you know, I pop into Value Village every now and again to check out the furniture/lighting section.

I stumbled upon these two beauties on Monday…and I’m really excited about them.  Due to my current obsession with all things mid-century modern, these jumped right out at me.

Although there are no markings on the wood, I’ve been able to confirm that they are indeed from the early 1950’s. Apparently this fabric is the original…and it’s a tell tale sign of real vintage from that era.

The wood is a tiny bit beat up, but to me, that just adds character. The fabric is in perfect shape. Someone loved these and took great care of them! Or stored them away and forgot about them…

They are meant to be deck chairs, but I envision them side by side in my living room. It’s such a rarity to find 2 exact matches!

So, it seems as though I am slowly working my way towards a new living room design. I had not intended to start purchasing for the new design for a while…but these were such a good score.

$12.99 each!  

Way too good to pass up. Building up your design bit by bit and piece by piece is the best way to develop a good design in my books anyway.

And since they fold, it will be easy to store them until I’m ready. 


xx rouge.


Three Books One Year A Journey of Learning

Three Books One Year A Journey of Learning

keeping your home safe: an alarm that can distinguish between a real fire and smoke from cooking!

keeping your home safe: an alarm that can distinguish between a real fire and smoke from cooking!