Video: Sneak peek of Neptune’s Sexy Laundry, winners of our Twitter giveaway

Congratulations to @iteedee and @marzstewart, winners of tickets to Neptune’s Sexy Laundry!  Take a sneak peek at the show, as well as an interview with director Marcia Kash.



Cleaning the slate by doing something dirty

After 25 years of marriage, time has taken its toll on Alice and Henry’s relationship. Worried about their future, Alice decides to take charge of the situation by arming herself with a copy of Sex for Dummies and booking an upscale hotel room hoping to rekindle some passion. With a reluctant Henry in tow, will Alice manage to jumpstart their sex life, or will the pair discover the true strength of love?

Wipe away the winter blues with Neptune’s hilarious Sexy Laundry.

Written by Michele Riml
Directed by Marcia Kash
Starring William Vickers and Sherry Smith

Spilling the Beans!

Perfect Night For Soup