wordless wednesday: random life pics from last week

 It’s been a couple of crazy weeks around here. Moving, unpacking, cozy’ing up the house and doing it all with a family cold = a severe lack of posts.

So here’s some random pics…

Below – the state of our backyard after the previous homeowner decided not to do any weeding after we bought the house.  The weeds were literally 6 feet tall. I hope they felt a little bit bad knowing they left them for us {er, my husband} to rip out.

wordless wednesday: random life pics from last week

I don’t know who was more excited – the boys or Daddy getting to play with a grown up Tonka toy all day to make the boys a new backyard.

wordless wednesday: random life pics from last week

There was a hornets nest under our deck…poor Gabbygirly found out the hard way.

wordless wednesday: random life pics from last week

Lots of sookin’ in her new favorite sun spots afterwards.

wordless wednesday: random life pics from last week

Always pack the housecoats {and the toaster oven} when staying at a hotel. Life is just better.  I might have went down to the lobby breakfast in my housecoat way more than I should have last week.

wordless wednesday: random life pics from last week

When there is no backyard to play in {yet} spend lots of time with your brother squealing and running circles with a halloween wig on. In your jammies and/or underwear all day long is acceptable when mama can’t remember to buy laundry detergent for 5 days straight. {Quite the dilemma when you do 2 loads of laundry a day.}

wordless wednesday: random life pics from last week

We’re all settling in, trying to ditch these colds and get the rest of the house unpacked. High up on the priority list is trying to remember to lock the house and car doors now that we’re in the city. And maybe not leaving my phone and purse in the car in plain view would be helpful too. The things you don’t have to think about when you’re in the country! Still trying to adjust to city life. It may take a while.

Related posts:

  1. a day in the life: the flu/family pics/press trip
  2. wordless wednesday: two thousand ten
  3. wordless wednesday: surprise mama! fancy glass bowl, glue & paint on your floors!
  4. {no} wordless wednesday

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/naturalMommie/~3/OJnuSFmLPZc/

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